Bible Study for Kids: The Life of Jesus Part 1
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Busy Books Bible Studies for Kids: The Life of Jesus takes kids on a journey through the New Testament. With a wide range of stories, questions, and fun activities, children are not only learning the Bible–they’re deeply engaged with God’s Word.
Part one of this two-part series teaches children about:
- The Birth of Jesus
- Jesus in the Temple
- Jesus’ Baptism
- Temptation in the Wilderness
- Jesus Calls His Disciples
- Water Into Wine
- Jesus Heals the Sick
- Sermon on the Mount
- Jesus Calms the Storm
- Parables
- Jesus Feeding Thousands
- Jesus Walks on Water
- Jesus Predicts His Death
- The Transfiguration
We didn’t put an age on it this time, because we believe that kids of all ages will enjoy it. Young ones can benefit with a little help from their parents and teens will enjoy the information and puzzles. If you have homeschooled kids, you’ll want to get this book!
Pick up a copy today at
Here’s a little peak inside some of the pages: